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Hear from those who have welcomed refugees, and find ways to get involved.

Reset empowers volunteers to welcome refugees into communities across the UK.

Reset is a charity formed in 2018 to grow the Community Sponsorship movement in the UK. So far we’ve supported more than 300 community groups to welcome over 800 refugees.

“We didn’t feel that we could turn the offer down and so we’ve decided to welcome a second family through sponsorship”

Get started today

We’ve grouped our support resources into categories.
Please choose from the options below.

For Volunteers

Would you like to welcome a refugee family into your community? Find out how we can help you start a Community Sponsorship group.

For Charities

Are you an organisation that would like to support volunteers to welcome refugees into their community? Find out how to become a Lead Sponsor.

For Local Authorities

Do you work for a Local Authority that has been approached by a Community Sponsorship group? Find out how we can support you.

Our latest news

Keep up to date with what’s going within our community, our projects and upcoming events!

Bring them here
On 15th August 2021, Kabul fell. Afghans supported us and our government made a promise to bring them to safety.

Two years on,
6000 people are still waiting.

Will you help an Afghan family start a new life in the UK?