Reset trains Community Sponsorship Groups all over the UK. The Home Office requires that Groups attend our training before they begin welcoming refugees.
We recently split our compulsory training into two parts: an online webinar for Groups that are planning their applications, and a face-to-face session for Groups after they’ve submitted their applications to prepare them for the reality of supporting a vulnerable family. In addition to these compulsory sessions, we offer application workshops and weekly drop-in sessions on Zoom.
The University of Birmingham’s policy briefs made it clear that there is appetite amongst Group members to explore certain subjects in more depth than is possible within our current training sessions.
As a result, we’ve decided to expand the number of optional training sessions that we offer. We’ll be partnering with independent experts who will deliver online training sessions on topics including safeguarding and welfare benefits.
As with anything that we do, we’ll remain flexible and respond to Groups’ needs. We’re open to suggestions for topics to cover in these in-depth sessions – just send your ideas to [email protected]. We’re really excited by the prospect of Groups anywhere in the UK being able to access high-quality training, tailored to the needs of Community Sponsorship Groups, in just a few clicks!